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Adhd Testing Cost – ADHD testing for ChildrenThe Pre-Diagnostic Assessment is an ADHD test designed to help parents predict ADHD easily and quickly avoiding the high cost of a professional evaluation. The PDA … – Adhd Testing Cost
ADHD Testing Issues regarding testing, drugging, and …… of ADD/ADHD. Testing methods used in an ADD/ADHD diagnosis, drug … to point out that with each so-called Testing method there always follows a cost. … [ Read More ], A real look at TOVA (test of variables in …Better understand the diagnosis of ADD/ADHD. Testing methods used in an ADD/ADHD diagnosis, drug treatments, and risks involved in drug treatment. [ Read More ]
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Adhd Testing Cost – ADHD testing for ChildrenThe Pre-Diagnostic Assessment is an ADHD test designed to help parents predict ADHD easily and quickly avoiding the high cost of a professional evaluation. The PDA … – Adhd Testing Cost
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As the mother of a teenager who got a diagnosis of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder in 2004, I wasn't surprised to read the new report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that said the number of ADHD cases in children jumped by 22 percent between 2003 and 2007 - an increase of 1 million kids.
From the day my son started school, I've watched popular awareness of disabling distraction rise, to the point where it's easy to believe the CDC estimate that one in 10 U.S. children - a total of 5.4 million kids - now has ADHD, as reported by their families. This might even be positive news, in that at least some kids who need medical attention are getting it. Except for one problem. Growing along with those numbers is one of the most aggressive, lucrative, bewildering and often just plain useless sales forces humanity has ever seen - call it the ADHD-industrial complex.
This includes not only the U.S. pharmaceutical industry, which by one measure sells more than $5 billion worth of ADHD medications each year - and which only in the United States and New Zealand may market directly to the public - but a growing league of all-but-unregulated, usually costly and sometimes wildly imaginative alternatives, including herbal supplements, complicated exercise regimes to stimulate specific brain regions, magnetic mattresses, personal coaches and therapy "assisted" by dolphins.
If modern mothering is madness, what metaphor might suit the straw-grasping of parents of children with this disorder, whose main symptoms are distraction, inattentiveness, forgetfulness and impulsivity? The ADHD industry's exuberance matches the vulnerability of its target market: millions of desperate parents who, given the strongly hereditary nature of ADHD, are often just as distracted and impulsive as their progeny.
Oh, did I mention that I got my own ADHD diagnosis at age 50, just a few months after my son's? This double whammy inspired me to spend a year investigating the grab bag of symptoms constituting the current definition of ADHD and trying to figure out the best ways to cope. I was extra-motivated to seek non-pharmaceutical treatments when my son balked at continuing to take stimulant medications after a year-long trial - about the average amount of time kids will keep taking them, as I later learned, and a big reason pills usually aren't reliable as a single or long-term strategy.
In the course of my year of focusing on distraction, I got my head examined by Daniel Amen, the legendary Southern California clinician who says he can detect ADHD with a brain scan for $2,000; tried stimulant meds for myself; stretched my equity loan to pay for scores of sessions of neurofeedback (a computer-based treatment in which a therapist helps you train your brain to function better); and even went on a five-day silent meditation retreat, which I only just managed to survive.
I fed my son fish oil capsules until the aftertaste made him rebel, subjected him to two days of neuropsychological tests ($4,000), hired pricey tutors and summoned my nerve to lobby public schools to grant him special accommodations, such as being allowed to chew gum while studying algebra. We did not, however, after due consideration, send in his hair follicles for lab analysis to detect heavy metals or purchase custom-made colored contact lenses, on the chance that his problem was not actually ADHD but a controversial perceptual disorder known as scotopic sensitivity syndrome.
I also skipped the dolphin therapy after learning enough to suspect that it was not only a waste of money but really unkind to the dolphins.
I've got plenty of company in my quest for non-pharmaceutical techniques. A 2003 survey of parents of children with ADHD in Boston found that 54 percent had tried non-medical treatments. Yet even though we may have lots of good reasons to distrust Big Pharma, medication is still the devil we know. It has many problematic side effects and carries social stigma, but it also has decades of research establishing its upsides and downsides.
This isn't usually true for the alternatives. Children's livers may be overtaxed by megavitamins. Too much ginseng can raise their blood pressure. Parents may exhaust their savings on brain scans and exercise programs that lack evidence of their effectiveness. And despite often-Herculean efforts on the part of their families, millions of kids may still end up fulfilling the direst outcomes of this diagnosis, including higher rates of high school dropouts, unemployment, teen pregnancy, car accidents, depression, anxiety and jail.
I was lucky: I was in a nice, supportive marriage, and my contract to write a book on the subject gave me a handy professional excuse to call up experts for advice. Even so, I joined many other parents in anxiously watching my son's self-esteem erode while a succession of teachers judged him lazy, troublesome and - they implied - poorly parented. If I, with all my advantages, had so much trouble dealing with the academic train wreck, how much can we expect of parents who may be divorced, working overtime and/or intimidated by hucksters online and off, including the flood of self-help books with such optimistic titles as "Dr. Bob's Guide to Stop ADHD in 18 Days?"
I am relieved to report that despite many setbacks, my son and I made some progress by the end of my year. Looking back, I suspect that his time on medication helped us out of a crisis and gave him a useful taste of what it felt like to have more self-control. It may also be true that our budget-breaking neurofeedback treatments helped curb his irritability and my anxiety.
At the same time, I discovered that some of the most effective interventions are also the simplest and cheapest. Such as educating myself enough to know how much of my son's behavior is truly within his control. And getting in the habit, with my husband, of finding something to praise about him every day ("Way to breathe!" we began, although we soon found more substantial causes for celebration).
Regular physical exercise, I found, can also be hugely helpful - and this strategy is backed by a significant amount of research. Russell Barkley, a leading ADHD researcher, cites studies showing that rigorous exercise can increase the brain's capacity for willpower and emotional self-control, arguably the most important skills lacking in many of the clinically distracted. So too, he says, can maintaining adequate levels of glucose, which has led me to stop pestering my wiry, active son about his many trips to the refrigerator.
Another useful (and cheap) strategy was abandoning my sheepishness around my son's teachers and principals and visiting them early, insistently and often. Despite growing awareness about ADHD (the National Library of Medicine lists more than 18,000 papers and articles on the disorder), the continuing depth of misunderstanding in schools can be startling. In one school district in Massachusetts, I was told by Harvard neuroscientist Todd Rose, teachers have even made ultra-restless kids wear lead vests to weigh them down.
Probably most important, I learned that it's key for a parent of a seriously distracted child to keep calm. Children with ADHD can be unusually provocative. Punishments, particularly the corporal kind, are notoriously ineffective. So whatever it takes to understand your own role in the family conflict and tone down your reactions may yield benefits that last a lifetime.
None of this has "stopped" my son's ADHD or my own. We still struggle and suffer, individually and together. I still take meds, on occasion, and he knows they're there if he decides they can help him again. Meanwhile, we play Ping-Pong, talk and laugh together more than we have for years, and, as much as a 15-year-old will tolerate, we even occasionally hug.
Our journey to this somewhat better place took a lot of work, a lot of persistent trial-and-error and a lot of self-criticism. And all of that, in turn, took a heck of a lot of time and attention - commodities in sadly short supply for many of us. Still, we did save on the ginseng, magnetic mattresses and dolphins.
Katherine Ellison is a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and author of the new memoir "Buzz: A Year of Paying Attention."
You're just tired with people who think that treating ADHD is simply a matter of regular doses of medications and strong discipline? Oh, if only life was really that simple! Tackle the disease on a daily basis is a challenge much less. Often, a child who has been diagnosed has other health problems that compound symptoms. Therefore, it is very important to incorporate ADHD Drugs and alternative therapy to deal with the mess and have a happy life in the process.
Depending of ADHD medication alone, to address the symptoms of ADHD, it is an error. Sure, they could control the symptoms for time.However, what happens when this is not the time for the next dose, but the effects of the drug are bringing. Often, meanwhile, the symptoms are more pronounced than before and life at home or at school has become a nightmare.
So go ahead and use any doctor prescribes to make bearable symptoms of ADHD medications.Then, verify the alternative therapies that may help the life bearable to advance from pleasant. now, that a novel concept! here are 5 great reasons to utilize available resources:
Other health themes usually complicate ADHDLearning disabilities are commonA family disease Coping skills are vital ADHD a child grows
Other health problems usually complicate ADHD and medicine cannot be the only answer.For example, children with ADHD often suffer from depression. Understandably, these children are under a lot of pressure meets the expectations of the world for correct behavior. ADHD medication cannot deal with feelings and emotions that can make life unbearable for young people who know are different and do not have the capacity to cope.
Learning disabilities are common with children who suffer from this disorder. While these children may be above average intelligence, is unable to display their talents appropriately when it is extremely difficult to concentrate and sit in a classroom adjust. then factor in the need for ADHD medications every four to six hours, and not surprisingly difficult to succeed in school.
ADHD is a disorder family and should be treated accordingly.All home suffer symptoms that make it difficult to behave correctly, emotions, or keep from saying the wrong things. The whole family can not take the medication for ADHD as a magic pill and everything is better. everybody, including the person who has been diagnosed, must have the understanding and ability to cope with the inevitable situations that can challenge even the best relationships.
Coping skills are vital for the whole family.Having a chemical imbalance in the brain does not mean that your child is bad.Unfortunately, the symptoms do seem like this guy is simply unruly and out of control, for the average person. Therefore, it is important to teach individuals the ability to recognize when he is acceptable and expose the behavior when you need to reign in emotions and actions, before getting out of control.No amount of ADHD medications may do the trick.
ADHD child will eventually grow.Therefore, parents will not be around to run interference. Therefore, it is essential to implement each alternative ADHD therapy available in an attempt to get this baby willing to live a happy and productive life as an adult. again, ADHD medications could control the symptoms for now, but what's going to happen in a few years.Children With special needs, it is important to prepare for long-term goals.
Make no mistake about ADHD medication plays a vital role in controlling the symptoms of ADHD. However, it is not the full answer. living with a disability presents special challenges that most people don't realize. of course, it takes special skills and a greater understanding for peaceful living with this disorder.
Although ADHD will always be a part of life, not necessary to define anyone.
Tina Matsunaga is a freelance writer for home-based businesses, Internet marketing and professionals around the world. Loves working at home when generating 2 children has a Bachelor's degree in secondary education and English Regis University.
For more information about ADHD medications, naturopathy and alternatives, please visit
@legomajor Amen to that, although, ADHD is just what they call it now, ADHD used to be mean hyper, not it’s just what they call it, it never meant a stronger form though. I do agree with you on many levels though.
A recent study from Wayne State University was able to scientifically measure the benefits of ADHD coaching. The researchers presented their study at the international conference sponsored by the nonprofit organization, Children and Adults with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, which is commonly known as CHADD. This conference is the leading forum for presenting the latest research in ADHD.
In this study, 110 undergraduate students at eight universities and two community colleges were recruited in order to examine whether ADHD coaching improved academic functioning. Half of the students were provided with an ADHD coaching program while the other half were not. Students were randomly assigned to these groups without consideration of whether they were taking medication. The coaching program participants were provided with an intervention aimed at scheduling, goal setting, confidence building, organizing, focusing, prioritizing, and persisting at tasks. As one of the designers of the intervention put it, the coaches helped students plot a course toward their goals.
The results revealed that coaching made a significant difference in students’ ability to assume control of academic tasks such as studying, staying organized, and managing time. The researchers were overwhelmed with feedback that the coaching allowed the students to lead more balanced lives. The students who were provided the coaching reported that they experienced less stress and felt calmer after the coaching. Futhermore, the students who had received coaching showed dramatic improvement on a test of learning strategies, particularly in the areas of time-management and concentration. Overall, the students who were provided with ADHD coaching demonstrated an enormous academic benefit.
I started providing ADHD coaching at the ApaCenter in August and was overwhelmed by the response. The need for this type of intervention is clear with the steadily rising rates of ADHD and the increasing academic demands placed on students. In addition, research that has previously been presented at the CHADD conference as well as in a range of scientific publications reports that ADHD treatment is most effective when medication is provided in conjunction with a therapeutic intervention such as ADHD coaching. Though many people believe medication alone is a solution to difficulties related ADHD, learning the skills necessary to succeed in academic and work settings with this disorder is crucial. If you or your child would benefit from help with time management, study skills, organization, or concentration, I welcome you to contact me at the ApaCenter. We will work together to find the best strategies to overcome you struggles and reach your goals.
Tags: ADHD, coaching, concentration, organization, study strategies, time managementThe founders of Ablechild, Patricia Weathers and Sheila Matthews, have gained a heading of "Unsung Heroes," as both pioneers and for nearly a decade, in the war to shield against children from the Psychopharmaceutical Industry.
Ablechild (Parents for A Label and Drug-Free Education), is a country sized non-profit which had been developed in 2001, by the two mothers who had personal experiences with being pressurized by the public school system to mark them and at the same time drug their children for ADHD.
Patty and Sheila went ahead from being the sufferers to be associated with national advocates for the fundamental rights of all parents and children in the US.
Thousands of associates, Ablechild which, acted as an independent advocate in front of parents whose children have been portrayed to mental health screening and psychiatric marking and drugging.
Meanwhile eight years ago, on September 26, 2002, then Chairman the US House Government Reform Committee, Congressman Dan Burton (R-IN), held a seminar on "Overmedication of Hyperactive Children." Burton said, "It's estimated that 4 to 6 million children in the United States take Ritalin every single day."
Once a referral was initiated an evaluation of special education, many parents considering the decision to pursue an assessment to exclude the possibility of ADHD. Pediatrician Johnny can be a trusted source for an assessment of ADHD evaluated. If Johnny Pediatric Office cannot provide an assessment of ADHD, it is likely that the doctor will recommend easily to a professional community that offers the test. Unfortunately, re-imbursement medical insurance for this test is often available unless the assessment is completed by a physician.
Thanks to the potential out of pocket expenses ADHD test, parents may want to carefully consider the need to pursue a professional contact with a child. In my experience as a psychologist, child, parents are often decide to purchase ADHD test in response to the concerns of the House described. In particular, Johnny is described with ADHD symptoms of inattention and behavior off-task, even if the source of these symptoms remains unknown.Having tested for ADHD Johnny will provide an important understanding of its ability to sustain attention to activities in the classroom. Moreover, an assessment of ADHD will provide valuable information in alternative interference which are handicap its classroom learning.
Despite the logic of supporting private ADHD testing, another alternative available to parents can be the Diagnostic evaluation of Pre-I created for parents to consider at this point in time. My PDA is an ADHD 78-evidence for parents to use when starting problems arise on their son. The PDA is intended as a measure of primer when considering the possible need for a professional evaluation.Can be used to discriminate against the essential factors that are predictive of ADHD or alternative conditions that interfere with the performance of class. the intent of the PDA is to predict whether there is reasonable concern justifying their decision for a private evaluation of ADHD. This questionnaire father can help parents decide when it makes sense to pursue ADHD test.
The practicality of the PDA is evident in his objective to estimate the probability of an ADHD diagnosis. It is very useful to assemble the criteria in a format that distinguishes ADHD symptoms from those which might suggest learning, developmental delays, regulation sensory dysfunction or emotional/behavioral difficulties. Although parents may still use the PDA for older children, element PDA applications are designed to meet the concerns that may arise in the student of elementary school age.
Despite the practical usefulness of PDAs, it is still important to recognise his vulnerability as subjective measure.I.e., validity and credibility of any questionnaire will always be dependent on how target parents of Johnny can be answering questions of Good destined element. parents are always influenced to some extent by their own emotions and feelings about their child. Interests of the parents to help the circumstance of their child can easily produce distorted to answer questions of PDA. Of course, there are a series of scales behavior commonly used by professionals considering for ADHD child who are just as susceptible to a parent's subjective assessment. In spite of this inconvenience, subjective evaluation scales are still considered useful measuring instruments can provide an additional source of information regarding the behaviour and performance of a child.
When Johnny was identified for the evaluation of special education at his public school, parents often feel compelled to pursue ADHD test as their contribution charge for evaluation. The decision by parents to check ADHD is considered timely intervention to exclude the possibility of a further learning disabilities. An assessment of ADHD will address specifically identified symptoms of inattention, distraction and behavior off-activity that can be a performance impact daily commitment Johnny in the Chamber. In addition, special education teams are generally raised to help medical professionals the opportunity to provide diagnostic instructions on a student.Once a child has offered a professional diagnostic opinion about Johnny, the special education team can feel more comfortable, focusing on learning and support interventions that may be offered at Johnny from his school.
The completion of the evaluation ADHD in combination with the special education assessment will provide a more complete understanding and powerful learning potential of Johnny. Accommodations specific learning and teaching strategies will be generated the test result.Although the status of special education should be determined according to the guidelines, the results of realization, cognitive and ADHD test may combine to build an educational intervention strategy well targeted for Johnny.If you identify ADHD Johnny, parents will probably provided with the opportunity to consider testing the use of stimulant medications to improve attention and behavior of the task in the classroom.Classroom teachers are generally prepared and cooperative to monitor drug amphetamine opening here for Johnny. Forms of medication management available may be supplemented with the class teacher and parents, providing valuable feedback for the doctor to prescribe. cooordination ADHD and learning accommodations generally will increase the likelihood of successfully academic future Johnny.
I am a psychologist infantile recently retired from public school district. continue to maintain a private practice dedicated to the evaluation of ADHD in children. recently I developed a questionnaire of father who helps parents decide whether to pursue a formal assessment of ADHD for their baby. the questionnaire can be appears to
( -- If your child has attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), it's not because he or she played too many video games, logged multiple hours of TV viewing, or ate the wrong kinds of foods. In fact, researchers think the cause of ADHD is largely genetic. But it is tempting to look for dietary factors that could be making symptoms worse.
In particular, a possible link between ADHD and certain foods -- including food dyes and preservatives -- has been suspected since the 1970s. Still, despite decades of research, experts can't agree on whether eliminating dye-containing foods from a child's diet can ease ADHD symptoms like hyperactivity and impulsivity -- except in perhaps a few special cases. What causes ADHD? 12 myths and facts
"Scientific evidence is limited to support the association between food additives and ADHD symptoms," says Dr. Maida Galvez, M.D., director of the pediatric environmental health specialty unit at Mount Sinai School of Medicine, in New York City. "Although it is possible that a very small group of children who are allergic to artificial colorings or preservatives may show improvement in symptoms on restriction diets, evidence is insufficient to recommend routine, widespread use of restriction diets to treat a child's ADHD symptoms."
However, Bernard Weiss, Ph.D., professor of environmental medicine at the University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry, in New York, says it's clear that food additives can sometimes affect child behavior, at least in the short term. He has conducted controlled trials on the topic and says: "From the standpoint at least of acute effects produced by food color consumption, you really can't deny the evidence any more." What if my child begins to exhibit symptoms of ADHD?
For example, a 2007 study published in The Lancet found that a mixture of four artificial food colors plus the preservative sodium benzoate aggravated hyperactivity in two groups of children without ADHD -- 3-year-olds and 8- to 9-year-olds.
But a second mix didn't have as great an effect on the 8- to 9-year-olds, even though it also contained sodium benzoate and two of the same colorings, albeit in lower amounts.
Part of the controversy lies in the fact that most food products contain more than one dye or preservative (some candy products have as many as 10 dyes). And most studies have looked at blends of additives, not single ingredients, making it difficult to sort out the culprits.
"There's no way to know at this point which is the problem dye. Is only one of them a problem? All of them a problem?" says Michael F. Jacobson, Ph.D., executive director of the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI), which has petitioned the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to ban all food dyes because of hyperactivity concerns. CDC: Childhood ADHD rate rises 22 percent
The European Union has already acted to place warning labels on foods containing six artificial colors that "may have an adverse effect on activity and attention in children."
Those colors are Yellow No. 5 (tartrazine), Yellow No. 10 (quinoline yellow, not approved in the U.S.), Yellow No. 6 (sunset yellow), Red No. 3 (carmoisine, not approved in the U.S.), Red No. 7 (ponceau 4R, not approved in the U.S.), and Red No. 40 (allura red). Britain's Food Standards Agency (the equivalent of our FDA) is also trying to get companies to phase out these additives.
The bottom line for consumers is that the "jury is still out," says Catherine Ulbricht, co-founder of Natural Standard Research Collaboration, which collects data on complementary and alternative medicine, and chief editor of the Journal of Dietary Supplements. "There's inconclusive evidence that food additives actually cause ADHD, but some research suggests that they may be linked to exacerbated symptoms in people who already have ADHD." 9 food additives that may affect ADHD
Here's a list of food preservatives and colorings that could aggravate attention problems, although none of them (with the exception of Yellow No. 5) have been studied alone in humans.
Blue No. 1
Also known as: Brilliant blue
What it is: A food coloring
Where you can find it: Frito-Lay Sun Chips French Onion and other Frito-Lay products; some Yoplait products; some JELL-O dessert products; Fruity Cheerios; Trix; Froot-Loops; Apple Jacks; Quaker Cap'N Crunch's Crunch Berries; some Pop-Tarts products; some Oscar Mayer Lunchables; Duncan Hines Whipped Frosting Chocolate; Edy's ice cream products; Skittles candies; Jolly Ranchers Screaming Sours Soft & Chew Candy; Eclipse gum; Fanta Grape.
Blue No. 2
Also known as: Indigotine
What it is: A food coloring
Where you can find it: Froot-Loops; Post Fruity Pebbles; Pop-Tarts products; Duncan Hines Moist Deluxe Strawberry Supreme Premium Cake Mix; Betty Crocker Frosting Rich & Creamy Cherry; M&M's Milk Chocolate Candies; M&M's Milk Chocolate Peanut Candies; Wonka Nerds Grape/Strawberry; pet foods.
Green No. 3
What it is: A food coloring, though rarely used these days
Where you can find it: Candy, beverages, ice cream, puddings.
Orange B
What it is: A food coloring, but no longer used
Where you can find it: Sausage casings.
Red No. 3
Also known as: Carmoisine
What it is: A food coloring found in only a few types of food products
Where you can find it: Candy, cake icing, chewing gum.
Red No. 40
Also known as: Allura red
What it is: A food coloring and the most widely used food dye in the U.S., trumping both Yellow No. 5 and Yellow No. 6
Where you can find it: Some Frito-Lay products; some Yoplait products; JELL-O Gelatin desserts; Quaker Instant Oatmeal; Trix; Froot-Loops; Apple Jacks; some Pop-Tart products; Kid Cuisine Kung Fu Panda products; Oscar Mayer Lunchables products; Hostess Twinkies; some Pillsbury rolls and frostings; some Betty Crocker and Duncan Hines frostings; some Edy's ice creams and candies; Popsicle Sugar-Free Life Savers; some M&M's and Skittles candies; Nestle's Butterfinger; Twizzlers Strawberry Candy; Sunkist Orange Soda; Dr. Pepper sodas; Propel Invigorating Water, Berry & Citrus; Gatorade Orange Thirst Quencher; Fanta Orange.
Sodium benzoate
What it is: A food preservative
Where you can find it: Fruit juice, carbonated beverages, and pickles. You'll find it in abundance in acidic foods. It is used to stymie the growth of microorganisms, according to the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI).
Yellow No. 5
Also known as: Tartrazine
What it is: Yellow No. 5 is the only food dye that has been tested alone and not simply as part of a mix. Those studies did link it to hyperactivity. It is the second most commonly used dye in the U.S.
Where you can find it: Nabisco Cheese Nips Four Cheese; Frito-Lay Sun Chips Harvest Cheddar and other Frito-Lay products; some Hunt's Snack Pack Pudding products; Lucky Charms; Eggo waffles and other waffle products; some Pop-Tarts products; various Kraft macaroni and cheese products; Betty Crocker Hamburger Helper and other products; some Oscar Mayer Lunchables products; Hot Pockets Ham & Cheese; some Hostess cup cakes; some Betty Crocker frostings; some M&M's and Skittles products; some Gatorade products.
Yellow No. 6
Also known as: Sunset yellow
What it is: The third most widely used food dye in the U.S.
Where you can find it: Frito-Lay Cheetos Flamin' Hot Crunchy and other Frito-Lay products; Betty Crocker Fruit Roll-ups; some JELL-O gelatin desserts and instant puddings; Fruity Cheerios; Trix; some Eggo waffle products; some Kid Cuisine Kung Fu Panda products; some Kraft macaroni and cheese dinners; some Betty Crocker frostings; some M&M's and Skittles candies; Sunkist Orange Soda; Fanta Orange.Enter to win a monthly Room Makeover Giveaway from MyHomeIdeas.comCopyright Health Magazine 2010ADHD Treatment
Attention deficit disorder (ADHD) treatment: ADHD most commonly involves impulsive behavior, the inability to stay focused, and possibly hyperactivity. ADHD can sometimes include mental and behavioral disorders that can keep one from learning or performing well. About 5-10 percent of children in the US are affected, and treatment is 10 times more frequently seen in boys. ADHD treatment can begin between the ages of 4 and 7 years of age and can sometimes go into ones adulthood.
The American Psychiatric Association lists 14 signs of which at least 8 must be present to be officially diagnosed as Attention Deficit Disorder or receive ADHD treatment. The 14 signs of ADHD are:
*often fidgets with hands or feet (restlessness)
*Has difficulty remaining seated when required to do so
*easily distracted by extraneous stimuli
*has difficulty in following instructions
*has difficulty awaiting turn in games and group activities
*has difficulty playing quietly
*often talks excessively
*often shifts from one uncompleted task to another
*has difficulty sustaining attention in tasks
*often interrupts or intrudes on others
*often loses things necessary for tasks
*often engages in physically dangerous activities with considering consequences
*often does not seem to be listening to what is being said
*often blurts out answers before questions are completed
Conventional ADHD treatment: ADHD treatment usually consists of stimulants such as amphetamines, most commonly in the form of Ritalin. Common side effects of Ritalin according to the Merck Manual may include sleep disturbances, depression or sadness, decreased learning, reduction of growth, behavioral changes, headache, stomachache, suppressed appetite, and elevated blood pressure, not to mention ADHD drugs such as amphetamines can be highly additive drugs.
Natural ADHD Treatment: Pycnogenol an extract from the bark of the French maritime pine, consisting of phenolic acids, catechin, taxifolin and procyanidins, treatment for ADHD with pycnogenol has shown significant reduction of hyperactivity and improvement of concentration in children with ADHD.
Results Show: According to a 4 week randomized, placebo-control double-blind study, sixty-one children with ADHD were supplemented with 1 mg /kg/day of Pycnogenol. After one month of treatment with Pycnogenol, results were superior to that of placebo. In the placebo group no positive effects were found. One month after treatment and termination of Pycnogenol administration a relapse of symptoms was noted. Our results point to an option of ADHD treatment with Pycnogenol as a natural supplement to relieve ADHD symptoms of children. European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. 2006;15:329-335.
Best Source for Pycnogenol: A natural supplement Isotonix OPC-3 (Oligomeric Proanthocyanidins) is an isotonic-capable food supplement that is made from a combination of bilberry, grape seed, red wine, pine bark extracts and citrus extract bioflavonoids, all found to be potent antioxidants. Isotonix OPC-3 contains the only isotonic form of Pycnogenol in the world.
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Sharing or explaining ADHD to others can be emotionally draining an event that could be harmful. That's why I want to help you. Because I have ADHD, I can easily relate to what they are experiencing or might occur in the future.
There are many important things to do before you share it with others.I think the most important of all is to prepare in advance. educate yourself about ADHD and emotionally prepare for what can happen.
There are very sensitive people. We know that there are different than others.Others may have also underlined. We also use of rejection and due to this; We always try to protect ourselves.
Statement on ADHD is very important that you learn more about. ADHD, the best of you will be when others telling about it. Don't limit yourself to learning. When you learn about others and their condition, you will learn more about you too.
There are lots of places to look for information. My website has very useful information that will help. I analogies that can be used to explain the operation of ADHD.Anyone who speaks easily understand how it affects when using the my analogies.
You can find more information on the Web searching for ADHD. just remember that you will find a wide variety that can become confused. Some might say one thing is good, while another will say the opposite. Just be willing to learn and looking for everything what you discover.
Also you can contact me by email or phone with any questions you have. visit my site for the information.
Think of ADHD by sharing with others as their teaching. While you are learning more about it, you are collecting information to educate others. Because the other people will be your students, you need to be ready for any waste that can come along. Don't take it personal.They refuse only what they don't know and understand.
You know ahead of time to talk to some people that you shouldn't 't.If you know someone who refuses all and Ride to nothing, this may not be the person you want to communicate. you may be setting yourself up for failure. If you feel comfortable in this way, you could try to talk to them, anyway. These types of people 't not worth wasting time. So if you don't get anywhere with them, don't worry.If you can't handle rejection or be derided, suggest you select the people you talk to focus until you are ready.
If you have friends who understand you and your condition, they allow you to communicate with others. When you run a team event, it can be more effective.Makes it even easier to deal with rejection and someone who you can talk about how you feel after you.
Be sure to ask people if they would like to know about ADHD and/or you.If you start just overturn the information, the person may not have wanted to hear anyway.If you feel like you are forcing the information, then stop. This means that if someone says something and you seem to not care, not to keep telling him more.This information is "strength power".
Have your school or family to make a day of education ADHD.At school, you could have them do a project in English, students could do a book about ADHD and how it affects people.In science, which could make a project to see how a brain works with ADHD and without.With some ideas and speak with the person in charge.
At the end of possibilities where you limiting yourself.If a school wide or group project took place, as I said, you have a large group of people who study simultaneously. communication opens to a large group of people willing to learn from you.
The other side is that there will be others that are upset that they should do something for ADHD and don't want to waste their time. So stay focused on the well.
Tips to share with others: ADHD
More information about ADHD information about other people with ADHD (listening as explain things to you and use it to learn to speak with others) internal reflections (Reflect influence of ADHD, good and evil). prepare the possibilities of the deliverables (there will be good and bad) USES analogies to explain ADHD (control are friends help to explain the ADHD others Ask the person if they would like to know more about your print ADHD information and give to a friend (or family) to read the brochures give, brochures, books or have your school or family to make a day (or a timeslot) of ADHD education do you have your school doing a project on ADHD
About the author:TJ Chambers was diagnosed with ADHD, when she was 18. it was clear, well ahead of her life she had this mess, because of the lack of information; it took a counselor to see this test so late in his life.
He learned many things about ADHD, medications, alternative therapies and other things. recently decided to share his stories and creating discoveries.
The founders of Ablechild, Patricia Weathers and Sheila Matthews, have gained a heading of "Unsung Heroes," as both pioneers and for nearly a decade, in the war to shield against children from the Psychopharmaceutical Industry.
Ablechild (Parents for A Label and Drug-Free Education), is a country sized non-profit which had been developed in 2001, by the two mothers who had personal experiences with being pressurized by the public school system to mark them and at the same time drug their children for ADHD.
Patty and Sheila went ahead from being the sufferers to be associated with national advocates for the fundamental rights of all parents and children in the US.
Thousands of associates, Ablechild which, acted as an independent advocate in front of parents whose children have been portrayed to mental health screening and psychiatric marking and drugging.
Meanwhile eight years ago, on September 26, 2002, then Chairman the US House Government Reform Committee, Congressman Dan Burton (R-IN), held a seminar on "Overmedication of Hyperactive Children." Burton said, "It's estimated that 4 to 6 million children in the United States take Ritalin every single day."
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ADHD Treatment – What is Adhd TreatmentADHD Treatment. There is no cure for Add ADHD, however, there are many Treatment approaches that may alleviate or significantly decrease symptoms. [ Read More ]
ADD Adhd Treatment Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder …Stay up to date on the latest news and information on Add and ADHD. Learn about the newest medications and discover alternative treatments and natural remedies for … [ Read More ]
ADD and Adhd Center: Symptoms, Types, Causes, Tests, and …ADHD affects an estimated 3% to 5% of children and adults in the U.S. Get Add and Adhd information here including its causes, diagnosis, and promising treatments. [ Read More ]
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Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder – WikipediaADHD resource offering information about diagnosis, symptoms, testing, treatment, issues, and more. … The previously used term Add expired with the most … [ Read More ]
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University of Illinois at Chicago researchers were among the first to test memory and emotion in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) or bipolar disorder.
Both bipolar disorder and ADHD cause children to have attention problems, become easily irritable, and act impulsively.
Researchers used brain scans from magnetic resonance images (MRI) to analyze brain activity and determine if children having either disorder showed additional similar symptoms.
Children were asked to recall images of faces showing a variety of emotions while the scans took place.
The study involved 56 children between the ages of 10 and 18. There were 19 healthy children, 23 with bipolar disorder, and 14 with ADHD. They were asked to recall facial expressions and attempt to recall images they have seen in a previous trial.
Researchers explain this test as a functional, yet simple test to understand brain functions, specifically memory, when presented with certain emotion.
While analyzing results, researchers noticed children with both disorders showed prefrontal cortex dysfunction when compared to a healthy child, but children with ADHD showed significantly greater dysfunction. This region of the brain processes memories, behaviors, and the ability to pay attention.
Researchers did note children with bipolar disorder have a more difficult time processing emotion than children with ADHD.
Since the two conditions are very similar in terms of behavior, physicians often find it relatively difficult to properly diagnose the condition, which may lead to improperly medicating a child. Giving a child with bipolar disorder a stimulant will increase the severity of the illness, and improperly medicating a child with ADHD will fail to improve the condition as well.
Researchers are working to further differentiate the two illnesses, allowing for targeted treatment in children with bipolar disorder or ADHD.
Imagine if ADHD was curable without drugs. It would be interesting? Well the truth is that ADHD is not curable by any means, whether you're talking about drugs, education or natural treatments for ADHD. Rather, parents looking for ways to help their child cope with ADHD. ADHD is a condition which leads both positive and negative. Positive Traits, such as creativity and intuition often gregariousness accompany ADHD. On the other hand, negative features like the impulsiveness or invasiveness must be controlled. A child should be taught how to deal with his feelings, his energy levels and must understand how his behavior affects others. Some people believe that the natural treatments for ADHD, including ADHD diet therapy, are better treatment. In fact, pursuing remedies for ADHD diet is an alternative much more preferable than attempting to high resistance prescription medication-if it works.
Prescription drugs are unnatural, as you are basically giving your child foreign chemical in an attempt to manipulate his behavior. Diet does not change any thought patterns; simply improves the human body, providing healthy ingredients, so that the mind of the child is at peak level.Remedies for ADHD Diet can help a child focus or to check his energy level, while some forms recommended by the doctor medication could stifle all creative thinking. Naturalists many would argue that the best "drug" is in reality neither homeopathic medicines natural cures for ADHD, but is in a proper diet.
What are some diet tips to keep in mind when trying to treat ADHD in children? The first thing to keep in mind is that when you pursue remedies for ADHD diet has actually base the choice of diet on eight specific risk factors. These include the deficiencies in vitamin B, amino acids, phospholipids and essential fatty acids. In addition, remedies for ADHD diet will include special ingredients to work against thyroid disorders, environmental toxins and mineral imbalances. You'll notice that remedies for ADHD diet will reduce the amount of protein, the child takes (as this provides energy), and the amount of carbohydrates, providing energy. First, you must start your child avoid sugar, especially at the most inopportune times of the day, as right before bed or choir practice. It is very important to trim excess sugar, as well as all the unnatural chemicals.Some speculate that a generation of ADHD children is the result of overly commercialized society of America, a culture that embraces the junk food and instant gratification.Of course, it doesn't help matters much entertainment available today that caters to an audience with short attention spans. TV, video games and movies are very fast action sequences. as you can imagine, a healthy flow of this type of entertainment and a diet of high sugar level will only worsen the conditions of ADHD.
Benefits of diet remedies for ADHD
Most parents will advocate ADHD diet therapy consisting of classically healthy foods as foods of whole grain, fresh fruit and vegetables and lean meats. In fact, the sugar is so powerful for a child ADHD can easily cause withdrawal symptoms as medication when the supply of sugar is insufficient.
Some parents have also suggested to include in your diet for ADHD remedies herbal treatment of magnesium.(Some diets offer also magnesium)Experts have concluded that a shortage of magnesium can aggravate ADHD and cause symptoms such as restlessness, irritability, and anxiety. Furthermore, did you know that when a child drinks soda he is actually hinder his body's ability to absorb important elements such as magnesium?Therefore, the treatment of ADHD diet best therapy will increase valuable nutrients and minerals, eliminating the junk.To test immediately when you explore diet remedies for ADHD.
To read more about diet remedies for ADHD and other alternative treatments, visit the website
My name is Einar Eskeland. I am a doctor Norsk and homoeopath. promoting high-quality sources of knowledge and products for self improvement, health, development and growth as a part of my practice as a doctor and as a help for my patients in their struggle to regain health and balance.
Researchers from Hasbro Children's Hospital, St. Joseph's University, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia and Case University School of Medicine, study has revealed that one in four children who have problems sleeping are being given medications which range from antihistamines to sedatives to ADHD drugs to antidepressants.
The FDA has not given authorization for any medications to be used in children under the age of eighteen. However, it appears that typical practice in conventional medicine is to treat insomnia in children with over-the-counter and prescription medicine. This practice is especially apparent in those children and adolescents with special needs and co-morbid psychiatric disorders according to Dr. Judith Owens, sleep expert at Hasbro and was leader of the study.
Almost 13,000 members of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry completed a survey pertaining to the examination practices regarding prescription and non-prescription medications for insomnia in a child or adolescent by psychiatrists.
In a staggering response 96% of practitioners had recommended a minimum of one prescription medication in a normal month, while 86% recommended over-the-counter medicines. Antidepressants, antihistamines, stimulants and more were prescribed.
However, past studies have shown that sleep disorders are one of the prime reasons for psychiatric drugs in children. Even though alternative type treatments such as relaxation techniques and cognitive behavioral therapy have been proven effective and without negative effects.
Even though with the high rate of use and the broad range of medications practitioners have shown an expressive concern about the correct types of medications for general use in children.
The survey also showed over 75% of patients in the practitioners practice were children and adolescents and had seen at least 70 patients on average in a months time. Most of which were age six and older. The patient percentage with insomnia was overwhelming and gone up in percentages as the child's age got older. Greater than 20% of preschoolers and one third of school age children have insomnia.
The researchers do call attention that basically all psychiatric and neurodevelopmental disorders in children which include depression and ADHD are linked with delayed sleep onset and sleep disruptions resulting with major daytime sleepiness and fatigue which can heighten psychiatric symptoms. This is the reason why psychiatrists are more likely to prescribe medications than pediatricians for insomnia.
Dr. Owens concludes that practitioners in the mental health field are responsible for the care of the children and need a goal to set on appropriate treatment options for insomnia.
Most parents today prefer not to give their children medications whether it is over-the-counter or prescribed which can have an assortment of side effects from mild to severe. Therefore, they are turning to alternative treatments to see which one's may work best.
Some alternative treatments that have been used frequently include:
Research started in chiropractic care and insomnia has associated insomnia with subluxations meaning misalignment's in the spine. Chiropractic adjustments can correct this problem. Subluxations inhibit the nerve impulses. The subluxations can cause an array of problems besides pain one of those insomnia. It is a totally safe choice to correct sleep disorders. Chiropractic care removes the stress that is the root of the cause of the sleep disorder.
Studies have shown 40% of pelvic subluxations and 15.8% cervical fixation in healthy school aged children. After treatments the problems of insomnia had rarely occurred again.
Many parents have reported improvements in their child's sleep patterns after chiropractic treatment.
Chiropractic treatments sessions and frequency is dependent upon the chiropractor and how well the effects are lasting in the child. Usually with subluxations problems are corrected almost in the first treatment and just monthly follow up care may be suggested.
A recent study has given confirmation to acupressure for the treatment of insomnia. The treatment currently lasts an average of two weeks.
Acupressure like acupuncture uses pressure points for the bodies natural healing. For children acupressure is commonly used instead of acupuncture that consist of needles. The treatment is basically the same expect pressure is applied manually to specific points. A point for example would be in the bottom of the foot. It is not advised to try acupressure yourself but seek out a qualified practitioner.
Baby Sound Machines
Baby sound machines can be used for infants, children and even adolescents. There are several different machines which release the white noise in different options. These machines produce soothing sounds to produce restful sleep. Choices range from baby sound machines to white noise and natural sound conditioners. There are sound cards for babies, sound cards consisting of nature sounds and oasis sound cards. Places such as Sleep Well Baby and Sound Machine Direct are located online.
Herbs have been used for thousands of years even in children to promote sleep.
Chamomile is known for many years to aide in promoting sleep. Purchase chamomile in a tea form. Give one cup of tea prior to bedtime. It is perfectly safe for children.
California Poppy reacts as a mild sedative and you can purchase it as a liquid extract.
Jasmine as in tea is another choice to promote sleep for children and has been known to be very effective.
Sage is another herb used to promote sleep and can be added to meal at dinner time as a spice.
Wild Lettuce is used for restlessness and insomnia. It can treat acute and chronic insomnia. Due to its completely safe and calming effects it is great for children.
Kava Kava it brings calmness and relaxes the body. It has sedative effects and can be purchased as a tea.
If you are going to use on skin mix the essential oil in vegetable carrier oil or sweet almond oil by using three drops of essential oils with five teaspoons of carrier oil for children under 7 and one to three for under three. Never use on infants.
If you are going to use in a warm bath for children add three to five drops for children over two and one drop for under two.
Some of the recommended essential oils for sleep:
Chamomile is great for children.
Jasmine provides a sedative and relaxing effect.
Lavender is also fantastic for children promotes calmness and soothing effects.
Sweet marjoram is warming and comforting and has sedative effects.
Massage Therapy
Even children with insomnia can reap the benefits of massage therapy.
In one study done children and adolescents who had massage therapy done for thirty minutes for five days slept longer and sounder. However, the number of treatments needed is dependent upon the effects it provides the child and the massage therapists recommendations.
Swedish massage is a smooth type of massage that flows. It can bring about overall relaxation. Since it is gentle in nature is used in children most of the times.
Bach Flower Remedies
Children show fast response to flower remedies in which parents have noted amazing effects on their children. They are safe and 100% natural.
For children you can apply two drops of the remedy in the mixing bottle which is 30ml and fill with water. Use four drops minimum four times a day. It has been noted children love the spray bottle since they can apply their own treatment.
There now is even a My 1st Bach kit for children which includes the rescue sleep spray and balm.
The kit cost about 21.50.
Other Bach remedies used include Aspen for waking up through the night, white chestnut when the child's mind seems to be cluttered with too many thoughts. Bach flower remedies can be purchase online like at Bach Flower 4 Kids and Directly From Nature.
Famous warm milk choices
Warm milk has been given from mom's to their children for years to help promote sleep. Here are a few warm milk ideas:
Warm milk with crushed almonds and pinch of nutmeg and cardamom
Warm milk with just a pinch of nutmeg
Warm milk with crushed garlic
Sleep forming habit
Set a regular bedtime with calming activities to do before bedtime. When this is constantly done repeated times the child's body kicks into gear that tells it to get ready for sleep, accept it and sleep sound.
Foods to avoid
After dinner time do not let them consume foods with caffeine like soda, foods with colors and lots of sugar.
Some parents feel devastated when they discover that their children are suffering from ADHD. This is quite normal, but have to deal with ADHD should include understanding and know the ways of handling and management. Deficit hyperactivity disorder attention or lasting AHD is a condition that might lead to terrible effects on your child when symptoms are neglected and are not controlled through the proper treatment of ADHD.
Children who are known to have ADHD often have symptoms of hyperactivity, impulsivity, inattentiveness or inappropriate behavior.A child that has ADHD usually has a hard time concentrating on a particular task, as well as in completing their. when not given not immediately recognized and proper treatment of ADHD, ADHD can negative effect on the performance of the child to school and, probably, the workplace, in subsequent years.
Over time, have done lots of research on ADHD and the proper treatment of ADHD is now accessible. parents of children with ADHD have found several alternatives in controlling the symptoms shown by their children.The proper treatment of ADHD has helped the children to be better when it comes to studies as well behave better when I get home.
There are circumstances where the parents agree with the use of medication when their child is diagnosed with ADHD's thought these drugs will be only their cause more damage or probably bring about side effects to their children. in many cases, having ADHD behavioral therapy alone is not as effective, that is why there is still the need for proper treatment of ADHD and this usually include the use of stimulant medications.
Although the stimulant drugs do not affect child really hyperactivity, affect the ability of child to focus and be able to discipline him or her. With these medications, the child's ability to complete tasks, socialize with other children and learn faster and effectively, have improved considerably.
The proper treatment of ADHD does not always have to involve the use of drugs.There are also some cases where ADHD can be treated by psychiatrists with the use of behavioural therapy as a treatment for ADHD. When your child is diagnosed with ADHD, you don't have to worry about him medication as ADHD treatment doesn't mean always taking prescription drugs.
Since every child with ADHD experience varying degrees of symptoms, the doctor both psychiatrists make proper ADHD treatment that is customized for each child. other conditions may also be experienced by a child, like other physical or mental disorders that may already exist with the symptoms of ADHD.
If you think your child has ADHD, is best for you to have your child get immediate attention to the physician for the diagnosis. symptoms of ADHD can be addressed with the proper treatment and adverse effects on your child's ADHD can be controlled and minimized when proper care as well as adequate support is given.
Puneet writes a blog about ADHD and helps those who suffer from ADHD to find new treatments in naturopathy and alternative medicine. If you look for a documented herbal remedy for ADHD, you can read more
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In the past it was thought that children with ADHD would exceed London hyperactive part of ADHD often is better right now, so that many thought that the other areas of the problem would be even better. We now know that this is not true. Many adolescents may be less "hyper" but still restless and be impatient. Also many of the other symptoms continue to complicate their lives. For some symptoms of ADHD children can't even show until they become teenagers. If you are smart enough, they could probably have done through elementary with little trouble with their tasks and projects that were not long or intense. How to go home in junior high or high school work increases and one is asked to work on projects harder, longer and more independent. Right now you can start the struggling to stay on long enough to produce products that are acceptable to their current grade level.
If left untreated, ADHD may lead to serious problems of a teenager.
* Teenagers with ADHD (impulsive type) have 400% more traffic accidents and traffic tickets related to speeding, children without ADHD
* Twice as many teenagers with ADHD will run away from home that children without ADHD.
* As many as 50% of all teenagers in juvenile facilities have ADHD, but were treated for ADHD.
* Arson is often associated with attention deficit disorder, like teenagers with ADHD untreated are three times more likely to be arrested for arson of those without ADHD.
* Adolescents untreated for ADHD are ten times more likely to get pregnant or cause pregnancy than those without ADHD.
* Adolescents not treated for ADHD are more likely to contract a sexually transmitted disease from children without ADHD 400%.
While ADHD children often impulsive will get into trouble, inattentive ADHD children tend to be irregular due to not be motivated enough to remember the things which he was asked to do. Impulsive-hyperactive ADHD adolescents are la mort likely get in trouble are the guys as inattentive ADHD tend to crave the stimulation of antisocial behaviour and impulsively "act out".Because I'm a impulsive, they don't plan well their crimes and are usually easily captured.
ADHD can cause problems in life of a teenager, but with proper treatment, or medications, behavior modification, or preferably both, kids can do great things with their lives.ADHD child and teenager are full of energy, can be very funny and creative.
There are two main groups of adults with adhd:
(1) those who have been diagnosed as children and they still have symptoms, and
(2) those who had never diagnosed.The second group could be most likely include females.As a child a home life highly organised can disguise the expression of ADHD symptoms may not appear until the Difficulties uttered in the course of higher education, or even at work, when environmental requirements become more complex.
Is better for adults, as well as with children is a treatment that is multifacited. stimulants or antidepressants are often given to adults with ADHD. they can help adults to focus, use caution and curb the impulsive behavior. Psycosocial treatment may include psychotherapy which addresses how ADHD is and continues to influence the life of the person. it may also include education about the disease. jointly with the medication and psychosocial treatment, structured external media as day planners, computers and coaching are useful to adults with ADHD.
What better understand ADHD and how it affects your life, better use it to your advantage. some jobs covered by creativity and high energy-both "Symptoms" that many adults with ADHD show.
My name is Alice. I am a mother of 4 children and I had a teacher in the last 30 years. during that time I taught in the classroom (K-3) elementary. I worked with many children who have been diagnosed with adhd and saw improvements in their behavior and after measures have been taken to treat the symptoms and meet their business needs. for further information, please access my website []
Stories and guided imagery on CD to help children and teens with behavioral problems, anxiety and ADHD.
How is Get targeted a 260 page book that will teach you how to make a more targeted, productive and targeted person. Bundled in this are * 10 bonus items * to-do lists, eBooks, audio tapes on Adhd, MindGames, Brain Power play and more!
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is the most common behavioral disorder of childhood. It is commonly estimates that from 3% to 6% of the child and adolescent population in the United States is diagnosed with ADHD. However, a recent report issued by the American Psychiatric Association (APA) suggest that ADHD may affect as many as 8% to 17% of America's youth. The APA report indicating a greater public health threat than previously thought.
Children and adolescents with ADHD are at a significantly higher risk for numerous emotional and social problems than those without ADHD, including academic and occupational underachievement, violence and criminality, increased suicide and risk-taking behavior. Children with ADHD are also at risk for depression, interpersonal difficulties, and family disruption (J. Kendall, 2003). Although studies have demonstrated that family dysfunction is common in families with ADHD children. Also, family members may suffer serious psychological effects, however, knowledge is noticeable lacking as to how to help these families cope with the daily challenges ADHD.
Article of interest Recently I read an article titled, Working with the Family of a Child with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). The authors of this article are: D.J. DeMarle, L. Denk, and C.S. Ernsthausen. I recommend this particular article for several reasons the most important being that it is replete with great ideas; and some very good suggestions that sets the framework for addressing family members' relevent concerns about ADHD and make recommendation for effective treatment and support system. Most practitioners understand ADHD as a medical condition. I don't agree with that assessment. It is true that ADHD has a biological and a physiological component. However, I believe that ADHD is a psychological, behavioral, and medical disorder. When we view ADHD as a single entity we run the risk of treating part of the symptoms. For example, if we focus on the medical aspect ADHD, the medical practitioner is commonly consulted to determined if the child meets the criteria for ADHD as required by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorder (DSM IV). The evaluating physicians are also called upon for advice and to prescribe treatment for the disorder. However, most physicians with a very active practice cannot devote the time that is necessary with the family to review the nature and causes of ADHD and the multi-disciplinary approach to treating the disorder. Therefore, there is an elevated risk that the doctor may inadvertently reinforce existing fears and misconceptions about ADHD in the minds of family members.
With this in mind we can understand how crucial the multi-disciplinary team and their experiences working with and supporting families throughout the interviewing and consulting process. Research shows that family's reaction may directly influence parental attitudes, the child, and their actions with him or her. It is an accepted fact that parents' attitude is affected by the information received, compassionate understanding, and the level of attention shown by the physician and other professionals sharing the news. This article, in my opinion, is a road map that can guide families through the process and help the team to develop strategy to reduce family members' anxities.
Because ADHD has received mass media attention in recent years many in the general public have reached an opinion about ADHD that is not supported by scientific facts. I offer this brief quote from the article to established a foundation for the unsupported, but wide, belief about ADHD. The authors described the verbal exchange between Don and Mary Butler (pseudonym) who had just been told by their pediatrician that their son Tommy had ADHD and suggests Ritalin as the appropriate treatment. Don turns to Mary and said, "See I told you he was just a lazy and rotten kid, even the doctor thinks so; that's why he is putting him on medication."
ADHD Real or Imagined? Don is expressing a widely held belief that ADHD is not a legitimate medical illness. It has been suffested that many in the medical community has strayed from the scientific path and created a disorder to ease teachers and parents' anxieties regarding childhood inappropriate behavior by routinely drugging children into proper behavior. Those who continue to believe that ADHD is a medical myth must ignore a mountain of scientific studies and research literatures that documents the existence of ADHD as a ligitimate and serious disorder. Based on the criteria established by the DSM IV, ADHD accounts for the greatest number of referrals to child mental health clinic than all other psychiatric and behavioral problems of childhood adolescent.
The continued questioning of the validity of the diagnosis of ADHD has caused uncertainties about its management in the minds of many clinicians and the public at large. Inaccurate beliefs about the validity of ADHD may hinder the appropriate care of some patients and cause confusion about the need for approved treatment. As stated above, critics describe ADHD as a means to label difficult children who are not ill but whose behavior is the problem. They further contend that, far from having a biological basis, ADHD results from improper parenting and poor, ineffective, teaching practices. These attitudes further stigmatize patients and their families, and increase the burden of this debilitating disease. There is overwhelming medical evidence that ADHD not only cause specific disabling symptoms that often persist into adulthood, but many studies shows a biological connection and a characteristic response to approved treatment.
Rodney Dangerfield, the well-known actor/comedian, often said "I get no respect." The thought that came to my mind was ADHD gets no respect. That is certainly the conclusion one might reach after reading so many insidious statements that ADHD is not an authentic and debilitating disorder. Many of us, including this author, who work with children diagnosed with ADHD have no illusion about the reality and seriousness of this disorder.
Like many teachers, in todays educational settings, I come in daily contact with students diagnosed with various disabilities, including ADHD. Therefore I have a profound sense of resentment toward those who support the beliefs that ADHD is not a legitimate illness but nothing more than a label created specifically to absolve parents and teachers of their responsibility to manage uncontrollable children. However, I can understand how the uninformed and those who choose to view ADHD from a distance might easily be led astray. For example, many of us at some point exhibit some of the symptoms common of ADHD. We sometime get distracted, we have trouble finishing assigned work or completing other important tasks. On the other hand, children with ADHD are, in most case, less able to care for themselves, less able to behave appropriately in social setting; and less able to communicate on the same level as other children of the same age.
Phantom Symptoms
Final, for unknown reason, symptoms indicating the present of ADHD may temporarily be absent leading others to believe that the person with ADHD can control the behaviors. Also, a definite diagnosis is difficult because there are no tests that can consistently detect ADHD. A physician can only observe behaviors and offer a professional conclusion weather the child has ADHD. If a child is having trouble concentrating, or may be unwilling to cooperate on the day they see the doctor this could lead to an incorrect diagnosis. Therefore, it is very important that ADHD be diagnosed by health care professionals that specializes in these types of disorders with the help and cooperation of parents and teachers.
DeMarle D.J., Denk L., Ernsthausen C.S. (2003) Working with the Family of a Child with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Pediatric Nursing, Vol. 29 (4), 302-308.
Dr. William Smith is a psychologist and consultant with many years experience working with families and individuals, including those who have a child with disability. For additional information, Dr. Smith can be contacted by completing the contact form at: Dr. Smith will give a FREE initial assessment to any one who request such.