Monday, December 20, 2010

ADHD and adults-new poll reveals problems more

Children, teenagers and adults can all suffer from attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. ADHD impacts about 5% of children and adolescents and about 3% of all adults. Less than half of children with ADHD out-grow ever in adolescence or adulthood. If left untreated, the disease may have long-term adverse effects in childhood and adulthood.

It is important to remember that many or most, children with ADHD are never really out-grow the problems leading ADHD. This was well documented and that was further discussed in detail by recent studies on ADHD and depression in females.

Recently published a national survey of 1,007 adults with ADHD else remember this. the survey examined how adults with ADHD front at home, at work and in relationships with others. the survey was published just in time for the Conference 2008 ChADD and the national awareness day 2008 ADHD.

What found the survey was that of these adults with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder:

75% reported that ADHD strongly influenced their ability to stay focused on a task long enough to complete it;70% ADHD influenced strongly reported that their ability to focus on what others were saying;65% reported that ADHD strongly influenced their homework; 60% reported that ADHD strongly influenced their ability to remain sitting through a business meeting or to projects organised or follow with projects until completion; 57% ADHD influenced strongly reported that their relationship with their families and friends;56% ADHD influenced strongly reported that their ability to advance in their job or career;47% reported that ADHD caused them to have to work harder than others only to accomplish the same amount of work as those without ADHD;

The survey group was asked about what would realize or objectives of treatment:
50% reported that they would like to get organized their home, and 28% reported that are necessary to achieve their personal finances more organized; 38% reported that are needed to get their moodiness under control, and 26% wanted to improve their relationships with others; 36% believe that their ADHD symptoms were not yet under control, and feeling of relationship many depressed thinking about how difficult it is to be an adult with ADHD.

The study was conducted by two big names of the community of ADHD: Ed (Ned) Hallowell, M.D., who wrote important books as "driven to distraction", and Natalie Knochenhauer, which, as a mother of ADHD children, has become an important supporter in the Philadelphia area.

The study was funded by Pediatrics McNeill, that in any way, markets CONCERTA (methylphenidate HCI) for treatment of ADHD in adults and in children. Hallowell and Knochenhauer are both consultants paid for McNeill Pediatrics. Thus there is an element of this study is designed for the market CONCERTA for adults who receive no treatment, feel that their ADHD is not under control and so on.

But this study should be something more.
If conservatively 5% of children in the United States have ADHD, eSe conservatively 50% of children in the United States is "out-grow" their ADHD symptoms at the age of 20 or more, and If there are about 300 million people in the United States, then there are conservatively 7,500,000 adults the USA only by treating "adult ADHD."And if the 38% of them feel that their ADHD is not under control, or are depressed by their ADHD, and so on, well that's a lot of people who suffer from ADHD even into adulthood (38% of 7.5 million adults with ADHD is 2,850,000, 000 adults who feel that is out of control or feeling depressed because of their ADHD).

If you are an adult with ADHD, and feel that you can get ahead at work because of it, or they can't get organized, or reasoned, or get your mind under control, there is help for you.

Yes, medications like Concerta stimulant Drugs may help. can help to increase time on task, attention to tedious task and so on. consider medications as treatment option and talk to your doctor.

We would also people to try the combination of an ADHD diet (including high protein, low carbohydrate breakfast and some caffeine), by ATTEND, Extress or Deprex (for stabilization of mood) and Memorin for improving memory.

With one of the approaches above, consulting or coaching for ADHD, as well as for skills and strategies to improve relations and work performance are essential.

Douglas Cowan, Psy.d., is the clinic of SIL to ADHD and family of ADHD related websites. He is also the author of the very popular diet ADHD. try the free online screening tool of Dr. Cowan for ADHD or view his ADHD videos on YouTube. for more about ATTEND is available here for more information about ADHD support groups, visit ChADD.

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